Thursday, July 17, 2008

68. Pervert-ish

Well, i have one new story about this man so called pervert. Hahaha,

I dont know how to start but yeah,
I went to this gym for 2 months dah, theres a trainer over there, his name is Saiful and well he is also a body builder and he owns the gymnasium. (whatever) Hahaha.

Not to be perasan but he said sweet things to me like, you are pretty and all. And i really sure he likes me cause' he told Hajar the other day. At first, mcm fine, i like him too, but mcm tu tu je la cause dia dah tua, and he ada wife. *wataaaaaahelll. haha.

I storied this to my classmates, they say well, if his wife come to me ans slap me, they cant do anything cause i deserve that. Hahah, i dont care really anyway but fyi, he's the one who text me and all.

Well, only this one girl who supporting me, Sabby. She said, like err jadi je sugardaddy, mintak je apa. Hahahha. best kan dpt kwn mcm sabby. Buat apa pun biarkan je. :DDD

Ok then, back to the story, He always sent me back home after training. Haha he called me and so, i was like dammmn he has a wife man. How can he do this to his wife? But nah whatever not my problem. But then bila fikir balik, rasa bersalah gila babi, so everytime he called, i'd say *nnt isteri marah* and this one day he ckp *naa(he called me *na* tah bila masa la en nak panggil nickname ni) Hahaha. He ckp 'naaa, please dont mention about my wife' i was like wataaaaafuckkkkkk wey, sian gila babi. Ha. ha then he said he wanna 3g me and stuff, eew geli lah pulak. he ajak watch movie semua.

Start from that, i mcm ignoring him la. Dia call je mls nak angkat. Haha. Pastu msg sedih2 semua, wth. Tkde life apa? Pastu nak merajuk, dah la 35 yrs old tak sedar diri ke haa? hahaha

ok ha, last monday. I went to his gym, pergi la training semua, but i dont really make a conversation with him until he came to me and ask, why are u acting like this? i mcm duh biasa je. Haha and well, he said such things as sex and jd isteri kedua ke ape kebenda tah. I dont really care.

Pastu balik lah, he called me, and again i ckp la *nnt isteri marah* then he terus mcm jerit *kalau tak nak bg call ckp je, jgn nak belitkan cerita* haha. lawak siakkk. Pastu he ckp make it simple. Now u dah tak payah nak dtg gym saya, tu gym saya. Saya tak nak awk ada dkt sana. Haha. ew tak professional langsung right? Hahaha. He said takpe tolak rezeki cause' rezeki is everywhere. *pelancauu sgt kau ni. Haha. Pastu nak marah semua, tak kasi pergi gym semua, watahelllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll. thats the nearest gym to my house. Mampus kau ah. Hahah
Now, he dah tak call. Well, happy gilaaaaa. :)
May God bless you. HAHAHAHA
